With roots from Dalarna – the heart of Sweden – Dyur explores the cross-section between Scandinavian folk music, filthy house and techno. The music of Dyur is inspired by Northern folklore, mysticism and cinematic soundscapes.

Every track is an aural interpretation of a mythological story or folk song. The creative intention is to present the old tales and the traditional folklore of the North to a modern audience.

Artwork by Jonas Zeidlitz © 2021


The song Brudkronan ("The Bridal Crown") revolves around an old tale, apparently told through generations over several hundreds of years. It's a story about how the village of Äppelbo got a Bridal crown from the forest trolls.

One night, the young maiden Karin was kidnapped by the forest trolls to be wedded with the son of the Troll King. But before she was completely overrun she managed to send her faithful dog down to the village to warn her fiancé, Nils. As soon as he saw her dog, he knew she was in danger, so he mounted his horse and rode to her as fast as he could. He barely managed to save Karin from their grasp, fully dressed in the enchanted wedding dress. Howling, the trolls hunted them back to the village. However, they could not follow them any longer when they rode over a plowed field, as the furrows and the horse's trail formed a cross (as we all know, trolls hate Christian symbolism). The bridal crown, that Karin brought back from the trolls, was eventually gifted to the church of Äppelbo, where it belongs to this day.

The story is also presented as an annual local theatre play in Äppelbo. To read more about it, check out: trollbrollopet.se

The prelude also features Kalle Moraeus as the narrator.

Cow horn: Melker Brodin
Nyckelharpa: Samuel Lundh
Mixing: Gabriel Lundh - ljudbildsverket.com
This is the second original track composed by Dyur.

The single cover is created by Jonas Zeidlitz.
To see more of his work visit: jonaszeidlitz.com
Or follow him on instagram: instagram.com/jonaszeidlitz

Artwork by Jonas Zeidlitz © 2021


The song Klôcksten (meaning "the church bell boulder") is based on an old folk tale from Äppelbo in Dalarna. It tells the story about an old giant living in the forest.

As we all know; giants and other mythological creatures of the North despise Christianity and the church. So, when the church bells rang the giant was so furious that he pulled up an enormous boulder from the earth, and in his ferocity threw it toward the church, hoping to once and for all quiet the tolling of the bells.

However, the giant wasn't very good at aiming so the boulder missed the church, and it landed in a mire outside of the village, where it remains to this day. A small pine tree has since been growing on top of the rock, which according to legend is dancing(!) whenever the church bells toll...

Cello: Jonas Bleckman
Violin: Knapp Karin Norrfors
Double bass & mixing: Gabriel Lundh - ljudbildsverket.com
This is the first original track composed by Dyur.

The single cover is created by Jonas Zeidlitz.
To see more of his work visit: jonaszeidlitz.com
Or follow him on instagram: instagram.com/jonaszeidlitz

Artwork by Dyur © 2019

Killegeten - Dyur remix

This is the second remix of the original song by the folktronica duo Geten & Evigheten. It's originally an old folk song composed by Folke Nygren.

Everything is produced by Dyur, except for the vocal tracks by Petra Hessel and Anton Johansson. Mixing by Gabriel Lundh - ljudbildsverket.com

Å killegeten vart ska du gå?
Jag ska gå till ett högt ett berg
Är du inte rädd att vargen tar dej?
Nej, jag har hornen att stångas med
Men hornen bångna
Å geten strångna
Vargen åt opp alltihop

Artwork by Dyur © 2019

Brist hjärta - Dyur remix

This is the first remix of the original song by the folktronica duo Geten & Evigheten. The song is based on a folk song named Choral from Höör.

Everything is produced by Dyur, except for the vocal tracks by Petra Hessel and Anton Johansson, and the nyckelharpa by Samuel Lundh. Mixing by Gabriel Lundh - ljudbildsverket.com

The lyrics of the second verse is written by Petra Hessel.

Brist hjärta i stycken
och smält uti gråt
låt ögonen flyta i tårar
låt suckan och klagan
här följas rätt åt
strö aska i upplöjda fåror

Aska som du bränt
du brände mina broar ner
aska som du slängt ut
tillbaks till mina röda ögon



Copyright © 2022 Dyur.